2018 SRC Recap…

Throughout 2018, the Meadow Fair SRC team has carried out many activities in the school. During the first semester, fundraising activities and sales were held in order to support the Halal Food Bank - a project which aims to provide non-perishable halal food for those in need. In Term 1, we also celebrated Harmony Day with a gold coin donation from anyone who chose to wear cultural or orange attire.

In Term 2, to celebrate the presence and value of our mothers, the SRC team joined forces with the PC department, and organised a Mother's Day Morning Tea Program. The program was a success and ended with tears of joy from mothers and fathers attending the session.

In Semester 2, an initiative was carried out to promote awareness for mental wellbeing. We had representatives from ‘Headspace’ visit our classrooms to conduct 45 minute informative workshops, teaching us about the causes of mental illness, ways to identify symptoms, and stress management strategies. During term 3, the SRC team also raised and donated $1071 to Headspace Australia.

Overall, 2018 has been a successful year, but we do acknowledge that there is so much more work to be done. The SRC team is motivated to achieve much more in 2019, and hope that our school management and students encourage us to continue with our efforts.

Sport Education - Term 4

During term there have been some beneficial and rewarding activities taking place for the students enrolled in the Sport Education elective. The Year 7 and 8 students went on day hikes to Werribee gorge while our Year 9 and 10 were lucky enough to go on an overnight camping trip to Wilson’s Promontory State Wildlife Park.

The Werribee Gorge day hike was a tough, mostly uphill 4 km hike that both groups completed. During the hike he students came close to some Australian wildlife including Kangaroos and even a snake!

The Wilson’s Promontory camp included a hike to the top of Mount Oberon, which overlooks the Wilson’s Promontory coastline and its peak is 558 metres above sea level. The students also cooked their own dinners on small outdoor stoves and set up their own tents and sleeping areas at Tidal River Beach. The wildlife seen on this trip included Wombats, Wallabies and native birds.

In preparation for these excursions our students worked hard on learning some basic camping skills and were introduced to the importance how minimal impact is pivotal to ensuring we keep Australia’s unique flora and fauna preserved for years to come.

Overall it was a rewarding term with the students enjoying their experiences in the great outdoors.

David Streets
Sport Education Teacher